

The Master 2 year consists of two semesters and allows you to earn 60 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System).

The first semester consists of core and optional modules. In addition, each student must complete a Personal Project in one of the partner institutions (I3S or INRIA) for a total of 6 ECTS credits (equivalent to around 120 hrs fo work).

Semester 1, Mid-September to February (30 ECTS)

UE1 (6 ECTS)

Graph Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization 2 ECTS
Machine learning: Theory and Algorithms 2 ECTS
Algorithmic Approach to Distributed Systems 2 ECTS

UE2 (6 ECTS)

Evolving Internet 2 ECTS
Multimedia Networking 2 ECTS
Performance Evaluation of Networks 2 ECTS

UE3 (Project)  (6 ECTS)


Personal Project  (see link for examples of Personal Projects) 5+1/3 ECTS
French or English course 2/3 ECTS

Personal project

From November to January:

  • 3 half-day per week
  • 4 weeks dedicated in February

Optional UEs - 12 ECTS in total

There are two cases to obtain the 12 credits:

Case 1:  6 courses picked in the following list

Internet Measurements and New Architectures 2 ECTS
Full Stack Software Engineering for IoT 2 ECTS
Blockchain and Privacy 2 ECTS
Algorithms for Telecommunication Networks 2 ECTS
Introduction to Security 2 ECTS
Machine Learning for Networks: Algorithms and Architectures 2 ECTS
Virtualized infrastructure in cloud computing  2 ECTS
Architecting IoT System: Beyond Functional Correctness 2 ECTS
Large scale distributed systems 2 ECTS

Case 2:

  •  1 EUR courses (Autumn/Winter) proposed in the fall semester is here  (3 ECTS)
  •  The "Scientific Research in Computer Science" course (1 ECTS)
  •  + 4  courses from the list of case 1 (8 ECTS)

Semester 2, March to August (30 ECTS)


A 6 month paid full-time internship in one of the research teams Diana (INRIA), Neo (INRIA), Kairos (INRIA/I3S), Coati (INRIA/I3S), Scale (I3S), SigNet (I3S), Modalis (I3S) Rainbow (I3S), Indes (INRIA), etc… or with one of the companies with a branch in Sophia Antipolis: Orange Labs, SAP, THALES, AMADEUS, etc…
List of internships proposed at I3S and INRIA in 2022-2023 is available here.